was born in 1984 in the Czech Republic. She started studying dance at the Dance Conservatory of Brno and then continued at the Dance Conservatory of Prague. Between 2000 and 2002 she was a student of Ecole-Atelier Rudra Bejart in Lausanne, Switzerland. Also she took part in performance “Lumiere“ by Bejart Ballet Lausanne and in years 2002 and 2003 she was a member of ensemble “Companie M – Maurice Bejart“ in Lausanne. With this ensemble she performed a choreography called “Mere Teresa et les enfants du monde“. In 2004 she received a second prize in a senior cathegory of International dance competition Premio Roma in Italy. In years 2004 to 2005 she was a soloist of a ballet ensemble of the State Opera Prague. In 2005-2013 she was a demisoloist of the National Theatre in Prague, where she danced in choreographies by Mats Ek, Jiri Kylian, Petr Zuska, Jan Kodet, Johan Greben, Uri Ivgi and others. In 2008 she performed role of Carmen in choreography “Carmen“ by Mats Ek and in 2010 the role of Desdemona in choreography „Othello“ by Youri Vamos. In 2007 she received an award for the best choreographer at International choreography competition in Pilsen, Czech Republic. In 2009 she finished her studies of chorography at Prague´s HAMU (Music Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts). In 2013 – 2014 she participated in several internships in Israel - Vertigo Dance Company and Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company. Currently she colaborates with Prague Chamber Ballet, Dekkadancers Company, Bohemia Ballet and 420 People as a dancer and a choreographer. She is also teaching classical and contemporary dance: Dance Conservatory Prague, First English Speaking International Ballet School and Prague Chamber Ballet. Her most recent choreography Alice in Wonderland is on the repertory of F. X. Šalda Theatre in Liberec. From 2015 she collaborates with Dance Company Nanine Linning Theatre Heidelberg and recently she works there as a choreographic assistant and rehearsal director. 2017 She created choreography Off- Balance in the Theter Felina-Areal Mannheim.
Bacon - Nanine Linning | 2017 | Choreographic assistant, rehearsal director
Khora - Nanine Linning | 2O16 | Choreographic assistant, rehearsal director
Silver - Nanine Linning | 2015 | Choreographic assistant
Theater und Orechestra Heidelberg
Dance Company Nanine Linning
Portrait parlé - Nataša Novotná | 2016 | Dancer
Phrasing the pain - Ann Van den Broek | 2015 | Dancer​
Repertoar of the school | 2016 - 2017 | Director, Pedagogue, Choreograph
Alice in Wonderland | 2015 - 2017 | Choreograph, Pedagogue
Ballet School Dobrichovice
Theater F.X. Šaldy Liberec
Off-Balance - Sylva Safkova | 2017 | Choreograph
Repertoar of Contemporary dance | 2014 -2016 | Pedagogue
Contemporary dance | 2014 - 2016 | Pedagogue
Repertoar of the company | 2013 - 2014 | Dancer, Pedagogue
Repertoar of the company | 2013 - 2014 | Internship, Dancer
Repertoar of the school | 2013 - 2014 | Choreographer, Pedagogue
Repertoar of the company | 2005 - 2013 | Dancer - Demisolois
Repertoar of the company | 2009 - 2013 | Dancers, Choreographer
Choreography | 2004 - 2009 | Student
Repertoar of the company | 2004 - 2005 | Dancer - Soloist
Repertoar of the company | 2002 - 2003 | Dancer
Repertoar of the school | 2000 - 2002 | Student
Repertoar of the school | 1998 - 2004 | Student
Repertoar of the school | 1994 - 1998 | Student
Theter Felina Areal Mannheim
Academy of Performing Arts Hamu
Dance Conservatory of Prague
Prague Chamber Ballet
Vertigo Dance Company - Israel
First English International Ballet School
National Theater Prague
DekkaDancers Company
Academy of Performing Arts HAMU
State Opera Prague
Company M - Maurice Béjart Lausanne
École-Atelier Rudra Béjart Lausanne
Dance Conservatory Prague
Dance Conservatory Brno